2013 third quarter news

Continuing with our catch up on news from 2013, here is our newsletter for the third quarter with news of the continuing handover of family planning activities and equipment. On this occasion equipment has been donated to the United Church of Zambia, long-term partners of Makeni Centre’s work.

We also have news of the 42nd graduation ceremony, attended by Minister of Community Development, Mother & Child Health, Hon. Dorothy Kazunga. image003

We have a report from Gloria Chisenga about the Girls’ Brigade company started at the Church of the Good Shepherd.


There is also news of a partnership with CAMFED (Campaign for Female Education), a charity that works to educate girls and women to help tackle poverty in rural regions. Eighteen ladies were put through our food production and general agriculture program with CAMFED support.

We also hear the success story of Beauty Banda, another food production student who has found a vocation.


Finally we have news of a settlement village mother of seven, Felistus Mwale, who was encouraged to return to school to learn to read and write and sat her Grade 9 examinations in November 2013.     image008


About Makeni Webmaster

I spent most of my youth in Makeni, growing up at the centre as it emerged from the bush, one building at a time. I now work in the UK as a lecturer in computer science.
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