Dear Friends,
Here is another news update, the 2015 4th Quarter Newsletter.
First, our congratulations to chairman of MEC, Fr Andrew Mukuyamba, on his consecration as Bishop of the Continuing Anglican Communion in Zambia on 25th October, 2015 in a ceremony held at Makeni Ecumenical Centre. Fr Mukuyamba was commended by Bishop Michael Gill, who challenged him to focus on doing greater things for the church in Zambia in his new role.
Sadly, it was also a year in which we lost a long-standing voluntary supporter and board member, General Brian Hakamangwe, who had served for over 10 years as one of the directors of Makeni Centre, contributing a great deal to procedures within the centre. Gen. Hakamangwe’s funeral was held at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Lusaka, on 4th December 2015.
The staff of the centre pass on their condolences to Gen. Hakamangwe’s family.
It has certainly been a significant year in the life of the centre, as a complete reappraisal of the centre’s future was undertaken with the help of advisors from Holland, and in particular with advice from consultant, Dr Martijn Bazen. It has become clear that changes need to made to ensure the future of the centre, particularly in these hard financial times, and taking into account the huge growth of the city of Lusaka. A three-year plan was drawn up to improve the centre’s efficiency and sustainability. Unfortunately this means that many projects will have to end, while the centre focuses its efforts where it can have the most impact.
We continue to make efforts to help the local community, an example being a three-day workshop on early marriage and teenage pregnancy, funded by NGOCC. The centre was commended for the success of this event by the area councillor, Mr. Jiptus Mwanza, and encouraged to hold similar events in future.
Another success was that three of our young men, David, Patrick and Gift, all completed the entrepreneurship part of their auto mechanics studies, which is being sponsored by the Friends of Makeni in Holland.
They all attended a colourful graduation ceremony to celebrate this milestone, whilst they continue to look ahead to completing their studies in June 2016. This newsletter we also hear from David Mtonga in person, about his experience on this course.
Finally, we are delighted that the blankets, baby-suits and hats created by the ladies Knit and Natter group from Hackleton, Northamptonshire (UK), with help from Hackleton Primary School children, arrived safely in Lusaka in October 2015. We could not have managed this without the assistance of Folkestone charity ‘Operation Sunshine’ in transporting theses gifts, for which we are very grateful indeed. The items were received by Mrs Wenda Dil, and are being distributed to children in the orphanage, as well as other needy children.
For more on these stories, please see the newsletter.