Home-based care visitors

Anke Warmerdam, Marjanka Flamma, Ruud Amerongen and Loy Ebbers – Volunteers from Holland – visited MEC for four weeks in 2008.

They worked in various departments including the HIV/AIDS and Home Based department. Anke and Marjanka particularly worked with the HIV/AIDS and Home-Based departments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They conducted home visits in the compounds, specifically Kanyama, John Laing, Linda and Chawama and distributed second-hand clothes to the children and babies at the homes visited.

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On Sunday, October 26th, Anke, Marjanka, Ruud and Loy offered a rare treat to the Home-Based Children from Linda Compound.

This was a rare treat in that the children under the Home-Based care scheme had never been accorded such a wonderful chance of an outing ever.

The four volunteers were the first of their kind to accord the Home Based Children an opportunity to go for outdoor activities.

Twenty-four children from Linda compound benefited and had a wonderful time at the Munda Wanga Gardens in Chilanga.

The four volunteers also distributed clothes to the children, as they had clothes that could fit 7 year olds and below.

Many baby clothes were given away, which is always a very popular gift!

Makeni Ecumenical Centre would like to thank everybody for the good work they did while they were here!

About Makeni Webmaster

I spent most of my youth in Makeni, growing up at the centre as it emerged from the bush, one building at a time. I now work in the UK as a lecturer in computer science.
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